Google Panda Recovery – if your website has taken a gradual decline in rankings and no amount of additional backlinks promotion helps you have been hit by a Panda penalty from Google – here’s what to do.
If your website is has on page Panda algorithm issues, or is suffering from a poor backlinks links profile Penguin penalty, we can help you restore your rankings.
Restoring Your Traffic From A Google Panda Penalty
Fill In The Contact form To the Right Or If You Want To Understand More About This Process Watch the Video On Our Main Google Penalty Recovery Page.
We can work out what kind of penalty you have on your website, instantly whilst you are on the phone we can determine when exactly your website was hit by looking at historical traffic graphs with our tools, in this way we can analyse your traffic stats to see which kind of penalty you were hit with such as whether it coincides with one of the Penguin algorithm updates in which case it would be a sudden drop, or whether you are caught up with Panda Penalty issues due to over-optimisation
If it has been a slow erosion of traffic we can analyse your website content to tell you whether you have optimised your website too much thereby triggering the Panda Filter.
This can often be triggered by the over use of keywords in your backlinks to a certain page in your website which is also highly “stuffed” with the same keyword – Google then sees you are trying to manipulate the search rankings and penalises you. All this can be undone.
We analyse your website and provide you with a full audit report analysing the 20 different kinds of suspicious or toxic link types your website is suffering from and look in depth at the URLs within the site and see where you or your SEO company has over used keywords in places like the URL, Title, h1 tags etc.
Then we can help you fix it all the above and get your rankings restored.
Penalty Recovery
Complete The form Below And We Will Run An In Depth Analysis To Determine Whether Your Website Has Been Penalised, What Kind Of Penalty It Has & How We Can Take Your Website Out Of The Google Penalty & Recover Your Website Rankings.
Recovery Enquiry Form
We Are Sydney Search Results Pty Ltd – Your Sydney Based SEO Company
This Is Why You Should Use Us To Help You Get Your Rankings Back From Your Penguin, Panda or Manual Penalty