Increase Traffic And Dominate Your Market | Authentic Client Results

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Website details and keywords protected for client privacy – but available to discuss upon serious SEO enquiries. This client’s eCommerce site is now the #1 site in this highly competitive pharmaceuticals market.

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Case Study Related To Above Graph

Brief: Increase sales in a highly competitive adult pharmaceutical market.

Our client is a Sydney based pharmaceutical eCommerce site. After years of working with SEO companies that were not performing, they came to Sydney Search Results because they wanted to grow their business through a more effective  search engine optimisation campaign.


The project started by developing a content strategy that positioned them as an authority in their market.

The site was developed with a strong need for converting new online visitors into customers. During the campaign we implemented a strategic ‘on-site’ SEO plan of action that was consistent with the overall marketing strategy and a promotion campaign to push them to the top of Google. The brief: to drive as much traffic to the website as possible through an organic SEO ranking and convert them into sales.


Within 3 months of the website being promoted by us, our SEO expert had achieved page 1 rankings in Google for most of their most highly searched keywords. Then within six months they had completely dominated their market whole: ranking as the number one commercial site in their niche in Google. Yes, #1 in the search results for keywords which included the NUMBER ONE HIGH TRAFFIC KEYWORD in their market and other high volume search terms. Traffic from SEO increased massively and sales rocketed.

We can discuss the details of this project – and other successful projects with you on (02) 9314 3224


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Enter your website and contact details and we will get back to you with a quote.


Find Out How Successful Your Website Could Be.

Let Us Show You How Your Competition Are Taking Your Business Leads & Customers.

1) I am David Cannell the business owner and SEO expert with over 12 years successfully marketing businesses online, call me on (02) 9314 3224 or on my mobile 0404 028 559 and I will  discuss your SEO project with you and do the competitive analysis that will show you what leads you are missing out on.


2) Simply fill in the form  and I will get back to you within the hour – not with an auto responder but with a personal email including a detailed report on the traffic your website is currently missing out on. Traffic which your competition are getting and converting into sales.me_small_file

Please supply your website address so that we can have a look at your website, analyse your market, check your current rankings, and do the analysis on the top performers in your niche including what keywords they rank for and where their traffic to their website is coming from, so that when we get back to you we can have an informed discussion about your project.

Knowing which competitive keywords your competition is ranking for and which of those keywords is driving the highest % of traffic to their website means that YOU can target those keywords and grab those leads. Find out more about my 12 years of successful SEO business online here.

We won’t give you a sales pitch, we will come back to you with a real analysis of how we can help you grow your business. And remember, we have no lock in contracts, we invoice on a month to month basis, you are free to cancel any time.

Our Guarantee: try us for one month, and if at the end of the first month you are not happy with the progress you are making we will refund you in full – no fine print, no questions asked.


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as interviewed in

The 7 Things You Should Know Before Hiring  An SEO Company In Sydney or Anywhere In Australia – Even More So Now In 2015

Listen to our website and business owner David Cannell discussing: what every business owner should know before hiring and SEO company.

“The Seven Things YOU Need To Ask Any SEO Company BEFORE Employing Their Services.”

When you know what to ask you can potentially save you a lot of wasted time, money and opportunity when hiring an SEO company.  We tick all the boxes covered in the video. Do other Sydney SEO companies you are talking to?

Watch the video and give call us on (02) 9314 3224 or fill out our contact form on the right and compare us to the rest.

Try Our Services For One Month – We Guarantee You Will See A Result Or Pay Nothing.

Do your background check due diligence and do a Google search for me by clicking here : David Cannell SEO or here David Cannell Online Reputation

You will like what you see.

Related SEO News

Could Your Site be Suffering with Negative SEO

It’s no secret that Google loves natural search results, so much so that they are more than happy to penalise any websites that appear to be employing unsavoury tactics to rank as highly as possible. SEO experts in Australia have been striving to adhere to Google’s policies for years now, but this can be an incredibly challenging task as new protocols are introduced and stricter measures are put into place.

When it comes to ensuring that all techniques are as effective as possible; there’s one thing that many website owners simply can’t keep on top of – and that’s the results of negative search engine optimisation. These techniques are typically employed by individuals hoping to impact the health and authority of a target site, usually resulting in a decrease in the target’s ranking and search result position.

How can results be negatively influenced?

Over the past few years, Google have grown wise to the over-use of low-quality backlinks and as a result, they often penalise websites that undertake these activities. The aim is to weed out websites that utilise these black hat techniques, in favour of promoting sites that feature high-quality backlinks and relevant content.

Even if you are employing a quality search engine expert, there’s always the risk that someone else might have hired another to undo your hard work. These events can sometimes be a challenge to keep on top of; so much so that website owners may be completely clueless about their website being a target of negative techniques.

Are there any symptoms of this event?

In short, the answer is yes. There are a few events that will make themselves known if a website is being targeted by negative activities. The most obvious relates to the website’s position itself; if it experiences a sudden drop in results, then the chances are that Google has either discovered something untoward, or has started to consider other sites as more of a priority.

Although results are known to fluctuate from time to time, if a website is demonstrating a steady decline in its position, then it may have fallen victim to unsavoury attacks. There is only one way to discover whether or not this event is taking place and that’s to evaluate the types of URLs that are directing to your website. This can be a pretty daunting challenge and is best left to the professionals, but if a site is discovered as the target of an attack, then recovering as quickly as possible should be a top priority.